Thursday, October 15, 2009

Samantha's GOTCHA DAY

It's so hard to believe that it's been 4 years since we laid eyes on Samantha for the first time. I remember her standing in classroom where all the tables were pushed up against the tall windows. Her back was to us, but she had beautiful long black hair. She was putting beads onto string. Her eyes were so close to both, but Doug and I looked at each other and then at her foster mom and said, "She can see?!?!" Her foster mom was surprised that we didn't know she could see. When you get into adoption, especially international you have to take a leap of faith and boy did that leap pay off greatly for us.
Samantha is thriving in school, with family and friends. She just loves life and has the energy to prove it.

Tonights menu...dumplings, corn (on the cob) and chocolate dessert fondu!

We love you Samantha!
Mom and Dad

Monday, October 12, 2009


It's snowing in MN right now. We had snow a couple of days ago, more than a dusting, less than an inch. But it started at 3AM and it's suppose to go until late this afternoon. We have actual white trees, white ground and white knuckles (driving for the first time this snow season is always fun).

It made me think, what's the temp. like in Addis Ababa, ET?
70 degrees the whole week (rain today and tomorrow) Lows are around 50s. Not as bad as I thought. However, poor Emma. Nice warm weather and we are dragging her to the frozen tundra at the coldest time of year. (sorry sweetie!) We promise to buy a very nice coat, boats, hat, mittens, scarf and save our best bread bags.

A few quick facts about Ethiopia.

Capital: Addis Ababa
Population: 64.5 million
Currency: Birr ($1-8.16)
Language: Amharic + 60 others
**Ethiopia is the oldest state in Africa and formly known as Abyssinia.

Thank you to for the above information.

Feel free to email me or post a comment if you know any "fun" facts about Ethiopia.

A hundred years from now...

A hundred years from now, it will not matter what my bank account was, the sort of house I lived in, or the kind of car I drove...but the world may be different because I was important in the life of a child.- Forest Witcraft