Wednesday, January 27, 2010

What to expect when your expecting???

I am not sure what to expect while you are expecting, but I can tell you what to expect while you are waiting during an adoption (from my point of view at least).

You can expect to be flooded with very awesome emails, notes, and phone calls. Our family and friends have been super great about standing by and supporting us. Thank you everyone!

You can expect..."It's not a baby shower." Our new daughter will have a new outfit to wear everyday for a month or more. Plus, she now has a plethera of Target gift cards to keep her in new clothes for the next year. Thank you everyone!

You can expect, "So, when are you traveling?" To be asked at least 10 times each day. I don't mind this question, because it means people care enough to ask you about your new family member.

You can expect to cry suddenly at the what seem the oddest times. Example: playing a board game with your other children and realize there is someone missing.

You can expect to worry over nothing or something completely out of your control. Trust me on this can actually make up the weirdest things to worry about. "What if she is allergic to milk?" LOL!

The best thing you can expect....that yes, one day, you will actually get to stop expecting, because your new daughter will be home with you!

Keep us in your prayers, especially FEB 1st!


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A hundred years from now...

A hundred years from now, it will not matter what my bank account was, the sort of house I lived in, or the kind of car I drove...but the world may be different because I was important in the life of a child.- Forest Witcraft