Monday, April 19, 2010

April what??

I can't believe it's April 19th already. Another month is passing by. While it's happening it seems so slow, but once it's gone I think, "It can't be another month without a travel date?"

Yes, I am completely and utterly out of words at this point. Our last update that we passed all the road-blocks apparently wasn't enough. It's very difficult to work with several different people, on different continents, through different agencies, governments and non-governments. In your mind you know that everyone is doing the best they can, with the limited resources they have, but your mother's heart will not be satisfied that they are doing enough. :-(

The good news is, we have had lots of distractions this month. My very good friend and Elison founder, Shelby. Flew in and spent the weekend with me. We went shopping, shopping, shopping and even ate some Ethiopian food "in the hood" of St. Paul, MN. The food was very good and the shopping was excellent, but the time spent with friends was the best!

The past weekend, we celebrated Samantha's and Isabella's birthday. My girls are getting so big! Samantha turned nine and her present was finally getting her ears pierced. She looks so cute, I mean "grown-up." Isabella turned 12 and we took her to get her first cell phone. She was definately shocked/excited. Thankfully, she is not a squily girl, just very thankful with a big grin sort of way. She is learning to become a master texter already. In fact, I think she has sent more texts in three days, then in all the years her 16 year sister has had a phone. ha!

Briana has a birthday coming in May, but her big treat will be heading to WAshington, D.C. May 15th for the National Rocket finals. Her rocket team made it to nationals for the first time in 3 years! She is beyond excited and she should be. They have all worked very hard! We wish we could be there, but hopefully her father and I will be on our own plane to Ethiopia.

The next embassy date to pray for is May 11th. So everyone, start your prayers and keep your fingers crossed. It's time to get this Graber girl home!

HUGS from Minnesota

1 comment:

  1. You already know how heavy my heart is for you. Praying like crazy that you hearing something fabulous very very soon!!!!


A hundred years from now...

A hundred years from now, it will not matter what my bank account was, the sort of house I lived in, or the kind of car I drove...but the world may be different because I was important in the life of a child.- Forest Witcraft