Friday, February 26, 2010

Through the eyes of a child....

This was in Emma's update that we received yesterday. It needs no intro.

The social worker asked her what she thinks of going to USA with her families, she was very happy. And when she was asked "Why?" she said “My parents will play with me, make me happy and send me to school".

So many times during the adoption process we hear the statement, " you are doing great things. This child is so lucky." We are not doing great things, we are doing the thing that God has called all of us to do. Take care of the orphans. Her needs are not material, all she is asking for is someone to love her and care for her. In many parts of the world it's a privilage to go to school, it costs money. A child views it as love.
It's so darn easy to love these kids. They want it, they hang on every moment of your time, every word you say. If I tell Samantha we are spending the afternoon together one day, you would think I told her she would never have to do a chore again. It's not about what we do that day. If I give her 2 hours of uninterrupted mommy time that is a hundered pounds of golden love. How lucky am I to receive that gift from her? I can give Emma material things, but it's all about the LOVE exchange. It's hard to put into words and one day I hope you all understand, that Doug andI are the lucky ones. God is giving us the greatest gift ever, the gift of love all wrapped up in a little girls body.

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A hundred years from now...

A hundred years from now, it will not matter what my bank account was, the sort of house I lived in, or the kind of car I drove...but the world may be different because I was important in the life of a child.- Forest Witcraft